Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Another job update

I know my last post was about me getting the job at Debenhams and if you are bored of hearing about this you don't have to read it 
Anyways this is just a really quick post to tell you that Debenhams called me yesterday and officially offered me the job. Yay (Jumps for joy).
I have to go in on Friday for an induction day and then also on Monday for till training and I will be starting work the week of the 11th of November. So not long now. 
I will probably do another blog post on my induction day and till training and then one on my 1st week or something similar. 
I am very excited and a little nervous but I'm sure it'll go fine. 


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

News update

So just a quick update for you guys today. About a month ago I had an assessment day with Debenhams, which is a department store for those of you who don't know, and they said they would let us know from the 13th of October onwards if we'd got the job or not.

If you follow my blog you will know that I have been out of the country for 2 weeks, however I had my PC and English phone with me so I could still receive emails and calls. Anyways on Monday I got a message from one of the girls that was in my group on the assessment day asking me if I had got the job. 
I immediately went and looked at my emails and checked my phone but I hadn't received anything. I thought I might have received a letter, so when I got home yesterday I checked but nothing had come through the post. 

This morning when I got up I got the number for HR in Debenhams. I called them and a really nice woman answered. I told her that I had done an assessment day and hadn't heard anything back from them and was wondering if  they could tell me anything. 
She ask for my name, address and the name of the person who I had my interview with. She then put me on hold so she could call the store. I was really anxious and was just admitting defeat when she came back on the line and told me that I had been offered the job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :). 
I am so so so happy, it has really boosted my confidence and has made me feel even better about moving over here. 


Monday, October 22, 2012

My 2 weeks in Italy

So my 2 weeks in Italy is up, and considering that I didn't want to come back and I had a tooth out it wasn't as dreadful as I thought it would be. 

Although I didn't get out of the house that much I spent a good amount of time with my mum which was nice because I had been missing her. I also helped out with her play that she was in. 
One of the best things about being back in Italy is that I was able to drive. I have missed driving a lot, so as soon as I get a job (hopefully soon) I will get some driving lessons and then I'll save up for a car.

I've definitely taken advantage of the fact that I've been here to eat Sushi,Pasta and Pizza because although you can obviously get these 3 things in England Sushi is very expensive so until I'm earning proper money I won't be going out for that anytime soon, and there's nothing like Pasta and Pizza from Italy. 

A few pics from these 2 weeks

Waiting to board the plane at Heathrow

Helping mum out with the play she was in

The view from my mums office 

An outfit of the day

My baby :)

What has everyone been up to these 2 weeks? 


Thursday, October 11, 2012


So if you follow my blog you will know that I've been having major problems with my teeth, wisdom tooth to be exact.
Today was finally the day that they were going to take it out. 
So I was so nervous and scared when I got there and they gave me this calming thing which didn't work one bit.
I went into the surgery and the first thing that I had to do was another X-ray which hurt sooooo much. I had to bite down on this thing as hard as I could and it was digging into my gum. It was awful. 
After that they gave me the anesthetic and the needle that they used was massive and of course that hurt as well. They gave me a hell of a lot of anesthetic which is good I guess otherwise I don't think that I would have been able to bear the pain.  
The dentist then decided that he wasn't going to take the actual wisdom tooth out, but the one next to it so the 7th tooth. He did this because it was an easy process than trying to extract the wisdom tooth.
So now I have a massive gap in my mouth, which you can't see but I can feel and it feels really weird. 
However, I'm happy that it has finally been done. It's a bit sore but I have antibiotics and painkillers so that's good. Oh and lots of ice cream :). 
I have to go back to the dentist next week to get the stitches out, but hopefully, fingers crossed, that will be the last time for quite a while. 


Friday, October 5, 2012

Wisdom Tooth Woes

So last weekend my wisdom tooth started to bother me again. I started taking antibiotics but they definitely weren't working as well as they had when I had to take them 2 months ago. 
Anyway I knew that I couldn't wait until the 26th of November (which was when I was supposed to have my appointment at the hospital) so I made an appointment at the dentist. 
I went and he gave me another course of antibiotics to take on top of the ones I was already taking and he also told me to call the hospital and ask them if I could fix an appointment at an earlier date. 
I did this and they basically told me that there wasn't another date available, they told me that I'd have to call every day and see if someone had cancelled.
Anyway yesterday I was talking to my mum on the phone and she said that it would be best if I went back to  Italy so I could have it done privately by the dentist that has worked on my teeth for years.
So that's what is going to happen. I'm flying back on Monday for 2 weeks. If you read my blog you will probably guess that I'm hardly ecstatic about going back to Italy so soon after my move to England. Oh well at least I get to see my mum and dad and my doggy :). 


Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Last Week In Pictures

A trip to the National Gallery was needed 

Looking out at Trafalgar Square and the back of Nelson's Column 

You can't visit London without seeing Big Ben

A nice stroll along the south bank without taking photos isn't a stroll at all

A lovely view, even the sun made an appearance

The outside of the British Museum 

The inside of the British Museum (well some of it anyway)

Outside with my back to the British Museum

Some music in Covent Garden

The end of a perfect day has to end with a Starbucks of course

A night out in London

Comfort food after the previous nights shenanigans 


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

NI number: My experience and what you need to know

So for those of you that don't know when you come over to the UK you have to apply for an NI (National insurance) number. Even if you are like me British. 
If you have lived in the UK all your life you automatically receive your NI number when you turn 16, however if you have not lived in Britain you have to go through a process to get it.
This process is very annoying and not the best experience in the world. 

The first thing you have to do is call a number to make an appointment for the interview.  If you click here it will take you to the page with the number you have to call and it'll explain what an NI number is. 
So when you call  the number you will have a mini interview, where they will ask you why you need an NI number, your address etc.
They will then give you a date and place where you have to go for the proper interview. They will also tell you the documents that you will have to take with you on the day. 
You will also receive a letter confirming the date of the interview and all  the things you have to bring with you.

So when that day finally comes make sure you give yourself plenty of time to get to the place. My interview was an hour and a half journey away. So if  that is the same as yours make sure you have planned the journey beforehand. 

When you get to the place there will be a lot of waiting around and there will be some unfriendly people. I had a horrible bossy man tell me all sorts of idiotic things, but you just have to ignore them.
They will have already given you the time of your appointment, however you probably won't actually have the interview at that time. My appointment was supposed to be at 14.00, but I had to wait 45 minutes before  actually having my interview. 

The interview is very simple. The woman was very pleasant and I was literally sitting there for 10 minutes just answering normal questions. For example why I'm applying for an NI number, what my date of birth is, where I was born etc. 
She then asked for my documents (Passport, driving licence,birth certificate) and told me to take a seat because they needed to make copies if them. 
So like I said I did a lot of waiting around that day. I was in there for an hour and a half and only 10 of those minutes were actually spent interviewing me. 
After 30 minutes they called me and gave me back my documents and said that my number would come in the post in about 1/2 weeks.

I have now received it and won't ever have to do that experience again. 

Have any of you had to apply and get your NI number? If so what was it like for you?


Sunday, September 23, 2012

A much needed update

So, where to start?  I know I've went AWOL from blogging for a few weeks and I feel quite guilty about that. The problem was that I didn't have the inspiration to write anything and frankly wasn't motivated to do anything let alone blog. 

By now most of you will know that I moved to England nearly 2 months ago. It hasn't been in easy, but I'm not complaining because it was my decision and I don't regret it one bit. However, like with every new change there are and will always be good days and bad days. Fortunately for me most days have been good , but when they have been bad they have been pretty crap. I would feel sad, guilty,useless etc. Luckily if I have had a bad day I reflect on it and then go to bed thinking that tomorrow is a new day and that usually works.

I find that there is no use just moping around the house feeling sorry for myself, so I try to do something everyday, even if it's just a walk in the park. It lets me think and I get fresh air as well. 
I love getting out and exploring, I mean I moved to London for a reason, and that was to make a proper life for myself, and while I am always looking for a job it gives me a chance to really see and get to know London. There is so much to see and do in the city and everywhere is so easy to get to. 

So, what have I been doing in these few weeks? Well I got my National Insurance number sorted out and that's a story in itself, so there probably will be a separate blogpost on that. 
I finally have my room just the way I wanted it.
My bank account has been sorted out.
I now have an English driving licence, so the next step will be actually getting some driving lessons and eventually a car. 
I have spent quite a bit of time with my cousin which is really nice because she is like a sister and a best friend to me. 
I have been sending out my CV's to everywhere possible.
I've been to see my sister and niece a couple of times, and am going to see them this week as well. 
I have signed onto with the Doctors and have got my NHS number

What's next? The next step for me is to find a job. I have a job assessment on the 29th of September which I am nervous but also excited about, however I don't want to talk too much about that. I don't want to jinx my chances. 

So there you go. Quite a long post, however I think it was much needed. Look out for more post on this blog and on my beauty blog. For updates look out on my facebook page and twitter


Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Today was a bit of a fail.
So I went to the doctors to register, when I got there I gave the secretary the form and she asked  me if I had either my passport, birth certificate or medical card and of course I didn 't....  I guess it was a life lesson, always read EVERY little detail. 

So then I went to some job agencies but that didn't work either because they were all by appointment, so I'll have to call them so they'll tell me when I can go in. 

What do you think I did then?? Yep I went shopping :s. I really shouldn't have, big slap on the wrist for me, but I promise that for now that was all the shopping that I will be doing for a while. 

So all in all not a very eventful day, but I won't let that get me down. I'm sure tomorrow will be better, in fact  I'm going to make sure that it is a better day :).


Monday, August 13, 2012

Mission Accomplished

As you can probably tell by the title, my day was pretty successful.
I went to the bank and should be getting my card through the post quite soon, Yay!!! Very happy about that:).
Then I went to both the shopping centres  and gave out my CV to nearly all the shops so I'm  quite proud of myself, didn't think I could do it:)
I then came back home had something to eat and then have just spent ages on the PC looking up jobs and sending my CV out via email. 
Tomorrow is another day. I haven't covered half the shops but I'm getting there. I will also pop into the different Job agencies and have a chat with them. 
So there you are then, I'm feeling like I'm on top of things now and i feel so much better :).

Are any of you guys going through the same thing as me or have you been through it? If yes leave me a comment on how you're coping or how you coped:)


Sunday, August 12, 2012

Big Day!!

So I've decided that tomorrow the 13/08/2012 is going to be THE day that I get my shizzle sorted out.
That means National Insurance Number or I'll call them and set a time and date for an interview with the job centre. 
The next thing I'm going to try and get sorted is my bank account. I don't  think I'll be able to though because   I still haven't got my proof of address back, however I went their on Friday and the woman said that if I take my passport then it'll all be ok, however I highly doubt it but it doesn't hurt trying. 
Tomorrow is also the day that I will start going around everywhere, all the shops and all the pubs and restaurants and hand in my CV.

I will keep you updated on how everything is going and look out for my other blog for post on beauty and fashion etc.


Thursday, August 9, 2012


So I've been settling in well, I feel at home and am really quite happy about that.
I still have quite a few things to sort out and get. I still haven't opened a bank account and that is because I need written proof of address, so annoying!!! So I've sent my Italian driving licence off to be converted into an English one and once that gets back to me I will finally have proof of address. 
I also have to sort my National Insurance Number out, which I also need proof of address for so hopefully I will get that next week. 
Of course I have to go and look for jobs which I have already started doing, so I'll keep you all posted on that.
My room is nearly all sorted out,  I have to get a few more things but then it will be perfect ,yay!!!!

So as you can tell by the tone of this post I'm doing quite well and am in quite a good place :)


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Belated Birthday Cake

So here are some late pics of the birthday cake that I made.


Just out of the oven

Homemade frosting and a Jar of Strawberry Jam

The finished masterpiece

Waiting to blow out the Candles

Blowing the Candles out 


Thursday, August 2, 2012


This is a quick post to say that I'm really sorry that I haven't updated this blog or my beauty blog for a while. I feel quite guilty for not updating them. I'm still here and will keep on blogging.
The reason that I've neglected my blogs recently is because as some of you might know I have just moved back to England and I need to get things like bank account, phone,doctor etc sorted out. 
I also am still living out of my suitcases,so this weekend I will sort the my things out, then when that's done I'll hopefully post something on both of my blogs. 
I will also be starting my youtube channel soon. So if any of you have any videos you would like me to film write them in the comment section below.


Sunday, July 29, 2012

Crappy, emotional weekend...

This weekend has been pretty crap...
It was supposed to be a really fun exciting weekend, but like always it did not go as planned. 
I'm just really unlucky with these things, and I feel like people just don't want to see me. 
If this would have happened in normal circumstances I would have been pissed off or a little disappointed, however this weekend I have felt sooo awful, and really upset that it didn't go like I wanted to. This is probably because I am leaving on Tuesday and I'm emotional about leaving my boyfriend. 
Hopefully when I get settled in England and hopefully meet new people the circumstances will be different from here. I'm hoping that I'll meet people who don't bail on me on the last minute.

Look out for my post and pics of the cake I made a few day ago :).


Thursday, July 26, 2012

Birthday Dinner with Friends

Tonight I had a really great time with my friends and boyfriend :).
We went out to dinner and then went to a bar for a drink. 
It was a really nice, fun. relaxed evening:). I got very spoilt and love all the things that I received.
Tomorrow or when I have time I will be putting up a few photos of the cake I make and luckily everyone liked and also on my beauty blog I will be putting my OOTD's from tonight, tomorrow and saturday :). 


Monday, July 23, 2012


You can probably tell from the title of this blogpost, it won't be a happy one.
So today I had to rush to the dentist because my tooth, jaw, mouth, ear, head basically everything were so so so so painful and they still are.
I thought that I might have an infection because I looked up excruciating tooth pain and by what google was describing and what I was feeling I thought I had an abscessed tooth. Which is where the pulp gets infected. 
So anyway I kept on taking painkillers,however they were not working. This morning I called the dentist and they told me to go there at 11:30 so I did. 
Well it wasn't completely an infection, because it turns out my wisdom tooth has decided to make an appearance. Which is crappy because I'm already stressed about moving to England, and this just adds to my stress. 
So they prescribed me antibiotics and  painkillers which I started taking as soon as I got home. However they haven't really helped the pain that much. 
It hurts soooo much, I would never wish this pain on anyone. I really hope these antibiotics start working soon because I can't stand the pain anymore!!!!

So sorry this is such a whiny post.


Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Day Out

Today I had a really lovely day. I met up with two of my old school friends which I hadn't seen for aaaages. And when I say ages I literally mean 2/3 years. So it was lovely to be reunited. 
Seeing as they both live in Milan I took the train and met them at the Duomo. 
We then went for lunch and were there for a long time chatting and reminiscing. After we'd eaten we wandered around going into shops occasionally.
It was so hot and sunny, perfect for ice cream. So we got one and sat down near the Duomo to talk some more.
After a while we got up and walked through the Galleria, I took a few pics, then we sat down at a bar to get something to drink. Me being a pig ordered a chocolate muffin :).
It was drawing close to the end of the day so we walked to the metro together and said our fairwells. 
I hope it won't be too long until we see each other again. I miss them a lot and we have fun together. It was like we'd never parted.


Sunday, July 8, 2012

To Pack or Not to Pack

That dreaded but exciting day is drawing ever so nearer and I have not packed a single thing yet. 
I've been putting it off for a few reasons. One reason was that I had to buy some new suitcases, which me and my mum went to buy yesterday so I can't use it as an excuse anymore. The second reason is because packing makes it so real. I know that this sounds stupid but It hasn't completely sunk in that I'm leaving. Of course a part of me doesn't want to go. The part where I have to leave my mum and also my boyfriend. The last reason for putting off packing is because I hate packing, and this time will be so much harder to pack because I have so much stuff and I'm going to have to limit the stuff that I take. 
I will probably start packing either tonight or tomorrow but definitely start doing it this week. 
I've already made a list of all the stuff, however I'll have another look at it and see what I really do need and what I can leave behind.

Until next post :)


Tuesday, July 3, 2012


This week I've suddenly started to feel quite stressed. It's basically just dawned on me that I have to get eveything ready and packed for England. I have to do this before the 25th of July which is my birthday because I won't have any time to sort things out after that seeing as I'm going to be celebrating my birthday from the 25th to the 29th and I'm then leaving on the 31st.
I have already made a really long list of the things that I know, however I might have to cut it down a bit because I will only be taking 2 suitcases and also the room that I'll be staying in isn't very big so I'm going to have to limit the stuff that I take.
I'm also stressed because I still need to sort out a few things before I go to England for example my CV, but before I can do that I need to buy the windows office software, which hopefully I will get tomorrow.
I've also been thinking about when I get to England the stress that'll be on me. I have to sort out my national insurance number, my bank account, I have to look for a job etc.
I'm not complaining because the move was my decision and I am excited about starting a fresh.

Speak to you soon guys:)


Thursday, June 28, 2012

That Special Place


Everyone has a special place or thing to go to when they're feeling down. Well the special place that I go to is my book shelf and the book or books if you like that I go to is Harry Potter. 
These books are my childhood books. I have grown up with them and I've read and re-read the books so many times I can't even remember how many. 

For me however hard life gets, however upset or angry I am I always turn to the magical world of Harry Potter. And for a while all the bad things, all my thoughts get pushed aside for a while. I think that everyone needs some alone time where they can free their minds every so often.
These books for me never get boring and I know that I will be reading them for years to come.  Everytime I go back to these books, it's like I'm reading them for the first time. I will never get tired of reading Harry Potter.

I remember when that when the books first came out I was about 7, so my mum used to read them to me. I still remember how excited I was when she would start a chapter. I cannot wait to have a little boy or girl of my own so I can carry on the tradition of reading Harry Potter to them or any books really.

I like to think that whatever I'm going through, however crap I'm feeling. I can pick Harry Potter up and get lost in his wonderful world.

Of course I read and have other books that I like very much. I have to say though, for now the Harry Potter series is by far my favourite.

Tell me guys do you have a favourite book or book series that you go to when you're feeling down like I do?

Hugs and Kisses


Tuesday, June 26, 2012


I really hope that when I go to England and get settled down I get to know new people and find people who I can relate to or can really become my friends.
This might sound a bit desperate, but I havn't got friends here in Italy, my best friend is never around because she doesn't work around where I live.
I've never had a real friend. Everytime I start a friendship and think that this friendship will continue for a long time, it always turns out badly. Either in an argument or the person just decided that they don't want to be my friend anymore. This always makes me feel awful, I think that I'm the problem.
It's horrible because seeing as this has happened more or less constantly in my life I have started not wanting to start a friendship, because everytime I let my guard down I get hurt and feel basically crap.

Hugs and Kisses


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Mixed Emotions

Today I've been feeling really weird. I've gone from feeling happy, to feeling sad, to nervous, excited and guilty.
I know alot of emotions to go through in one day. I am really excited but also a bit nervous about moving to England. I know that there will be so many more opportunities for me over there and I can be closer to my sister and my niece, however I feel so bad about leaving my boyfriend, he's going to be destraught and I know he won't understand why I'm doing this. I just hope that he'll be ok. It will be hard for me but not as hard as it will be for him. I feel like the worst person in the world. I have such a fun time with him and this is where my happy emotion comes in. I wish there was another way, unfortunately life is not fair.
I also feel quite sad because I'll be leaving home which means leaving my mum behind. She has been so supportive of my decision and is always there for me whatever I'm feeling. She has sat with me many a time when I have been bawling my eyes out, and I am very greatful to her and cannot thank her enough for everything she does.

So there you have it guys my 2nd post on my VERY mixed emotions.

Hugs and Kisses

Izzy xxx

Thursday, June 21, 2012


You may know me from Msizzyness'sworld where I blog about fashion and beauty. Well I will still be updating that blog everyday, but I also wanted to share with you this blog which will be about my life.
In about 5 weeks I will be moving back to England for good and I wanted to take you along with me on this adventure.
You will see my ups and my downs, I'll let you in on my secrets and how i'm getting on. I will also be giving my lovely readers tips and advice how to deal with something as big as moving country.
So if you're interested keep a look out for my posts.

Write to you soon :)

Izzy xxx